We Cure
Treatment for following Diseases are available
Surgical Diseases
kidneystone, piles, tumor, lipoma, cyst, warts, corns, ganglion etc are cured without operations..
Skin Diseases
Eczema, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Leucoderma, Acne , Pimples, Alopecia areata, Herpes, lichen planus, Ringworm, Scabies, Scars, Sunburn, Vericos vein, Warts.
Pain, Bones, Nerve Diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, joint pains, gout, sciatica, backache, spondylosis (any kind), or any other chronic pain in body..
Stomach and Abdominal Problems
Hyperacidity, heartburn, gastric troubles & disorder, i.b.s., colic pains, chronic dysentery & amoebasis other related abdominal pains...
Allergic Disorder
Asthma, allergic rhinitis, recurrent cold and cough, respiratory tract diseases. Chronic headache & migraine, pain.
Children Diseases
Mentally retardedness, memory less, late physical & mental growth, delayed milestones, hyperactive and over reactive, bed wetting etc..
Psychological Disorder
Mentally retardedness, depression, anger, anxiety, sleeplessness & other mind related troubles.
Weight loss & retardered growth
Weight loss & retardered growth.. Physical & mental retardationded growth.
Chronic and recurrent disease
Chronic and recurrent disease specialist..